Hunger Stones and Megadroughts

Hunger stones and Megadroughts


“The drought in Central Europe has shrunk the rivers & exposed “hunger stones”, where people of the past recorded droughts & the famines they caused. One of the stones recently uncovered in the Elbe is carved with the words, “If you see me, weep.” ” h/t @PaulMMCooper

It’s been worse … a lot worse.

Before 1900, the following droughts are commemorated on the stone: 1417, 1616, 1707, 1746, 1790, 1800, 1811, 1830, 1842, 1868, 1892, and 1893.

The scientists found that the 21st century droughts were indeed extreme, but not as long-lasting or as massive as the worst of the historic ones.


People visit a famous “hunger stone” exposed by the low level of water in the Elbe river in Decin, Czech Republic, on Thursday.




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