The Incredibly Stupid Journey – Wood to DRAX

The Incredibly Stupid Journey graphic from the Daily Mail article on the trees journey from the USA to the DRAX wood burning power plant in the U.K.

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Isn’t this insane?

The UK is committed by law to a radical shift to renewable energy. By 2020, the proportion of Britain’s electricity generated from ‘renewable’ sources is supposed to almost triple to 30 per cent, with more than a third of that from what is called ‘biomass’.

The only large-scale way to do this is by burning wood

So the UK is switching from burning high-CO2 coal to even higher-CO2 wood imported from the USA.

In the longer term, the Government has decreed that customers will pay £105 per MW/hr for Drax’s biomass electricity” … instead of the going rate of  £50 per MW/hr.

This quote is hilarious and sad. “‘We’re a power company. We’ve been told to take coal out of the equation. What would you have us do – build a dirty great windfarm?’”

This is really, really sad. They lied and said they didn’t use whole trees, but they do. And then they said they grew back quickly. But they don’t.

Clear-cut wetlands cannot be replanted” and it could take 100 years to regrow.

Read it all and weep over what the insane AGW Cult has brought about.


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